
turkey day!!

So finally. Turkey day.
Happy birthday Moxie!!
I woke up a little bit late, so Mom, Dad and Moxie left before I had finished getting ready. I thought I would be last to get ready, but Auntie went on a mad cleaning spree right as I walked down the stairs to leave. She was still in her pj's, and we still had to load up the car. I let her do her cleaning thing; whatever will help you feel not so flustered, Auntie. I sat down for a few minutes, and texted a "happy thanksgiving, i love you" message to probably 200 people. It made me giggle, listening to the SMStext alert over and over again. Not sure why, but it was funny to me to hear it. Poor thing was on overload!! We loaded up the car, and the puppies came along for the ride. As much as I love those dogs, I still hate riding with animals in the car. I think its gross. Plus, one of them kept rolling down my window from the drivers side. I tried to find it humorous, but after about the 3rd time, my hair wasn't laughing and neither was I.
Pictures, pictures galore, between me, Moxie and Auntie. [Truly, it runs in the family. You should see the boxes full of pictures from my grandparents...] Moxie brought her large format camera from school, and had me as her "assistant," teehee! It was really neat being able to work with a new piece of equipment and learn a little bit about it...just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure. It was raining outside, and was really chilly. Poor Moxie had to drag us outside for her pictures, but they turned out amazing, of course.
My cousin Aubree and her boyfriend Tyson showed up later :) Last time we saw each other was on vacation about 5 years ago. It only took a few minutes for the jitters to leave, and to be warmed up to each other :)

well golly. i've blogged so much today. but still SO much more! and the best part, too!! but i gotta scoot. my ride is about to get here. I'm finally in portland, and about to head to Hood River for the next few days. So...more to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read you blog. haha xoxo i love you.