
down time.

This week has been just absolutely amazing. 
Best two teachers (in my opinion) yet. I've learned so much, and friendships have just grown so much closer. 
Today everyone is running around Seaside, a town about 10 minutes away from Cannon Beach, putting together last minute outfits from misfit thrift stores. There's a Halloween costume party tonight, and sounds like a bunch of people will be there. Its going to be fun. So all day, I've had to myself. I really haven't had that since I've been here. I've been at bellas all day, editing photos, working on my absentee ballot, and my friend Jordon joined me for a bit. 
Yesterday was great. We did swing dancing inside for the first time during the afternoon break for about an hour and a half. Normally, we do it at night outside. It sucks because its kinda cold (but you get moving so you dont feel it) and there's no outlets, so no music. I wish we could do it on campus, but its considered PDA...understandable. So, we did it at the information center. They started there last year, so they were happy to see people coming back. They had a huge room with wood floors, and PLENTY OF OUTLETS for music :) it was much much better with music, even though not nearly as many people showed up. Alot of kids work while they're here so they can afford to come. So, I was a happy clam all day. Later that night was more waltzing...I just cant get enough dancing, it seems. My knee is all banged up tho, between skim boarding and bumping into shins of my various dance partners. Owwie. 
Anyways, tomorrow morning is a hike to Saddle Mountain. I dont know how strenuous it's going to be, but its sure early. I usually catch up on my sleep on Saturday mornings. Oh well. The sight is breathtaking, I've heard. I'm sure its worth it. Other than that, not alot of big plans for the weekend. 

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