

that would be the word to describe my closet. i can start packing now, because i spent yesterday going through everything, putting it into piles: 
salvation army.
staying here. 
possibly packing.

obviously, the 'possibly packing' pile is the biggest. its going to take alot of weeding through to cut down. but i feel much more relaxed, knowing that i am so close to being ready to be outta here (packing/cleaning wise) and i still have a week. i thought i wasn't going to have any extra time, so this is a nice shock to me. 

last night was heather's birthday, and the first day of ABI. she had a bon fire on the beach, and alot of people were there. old friends. new friends. awkward friends, too. 

happy frickin' awkward night.

lets call him 'akward al.' he went to ABI last year, and i knew him through choir, and then we saw each other at fat olives, swing dancing, and armageddon cafe quite a bit. randomly, he asked me to coffee, a few times. so finally i figured i would go just to see where he was coming from. and i never could figure it out. he's nice enough, but awkward enough to make anyone uncomfortable. for example, he was listing the reasons to come to homer. 'well, its beautiful, the girls are cute (gesturing to me) and i knew people here.' yes, clearly he knew how to get to my heart. calling me cute. (insert barfing here.) anyways so i try to be normal, but he always manages to slip an awkward turtle in there!! example: he said something about me holding the record for the most photos on myspace. awesome. he's inspecting myspace. and then later, he heard someone mention my going away party last night and tried inviting himself. i felt really bad shrugging it off, but hey. this is my party. i want people that i like there. HENCE why it is going to be at my house. i dont know if i'll ever see 'awkward al' again since i'm going to school. but thats okay. my life is abundant in the awkward department. 

its day five of sunshine. and its absolutely gorgeous. the leaves are at their peak of gold, and fireweed is beginning to lose its red. i love fall. i wish it lasted longer. but i'll get round two in oregon :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that you get round two of fall in Oregon...its just begun raining tonight and leaves haven't changed color yet but we are excited to reconnect with you